Section 3 of 4: Procedures During Fair Week
Western Montana Fair – Vendor Handbook
For vendor check-in and inquiries, go to the Fair Office. Entrance is on the east end of Building 12, just south of the Commercial Building (Building 13).
At move-in, each concession vendor will be provided with three bins for back-of-house use, designated for compost, recycling, and trash. Sort items accordingly. The Green Team will visit your booth to collect the contents.
Composting, Recycling, & Trash: As you operate, sort your items to be conveniently picked-up by the Green Team.
Cardboard: Break down all cardboard and deposit it at one of the designated drop-off locations on the Fairgrounds.
Washed bins should be returned with Sunday’s daily sales report. Sunday’s daily sales report is due by 3 p.m. on Monday after the Fair. A $50 fee will be assessed for each missing bin.
Vendors receive one (1) Parking Permit.
Parking is first come, first served.
Additional parking permits can be purchased at the Fair Office. Cost: $50 each.
Parking allowed only in designated areas.
Trailers parked in areas not designated specifically for trailers will be towed at owner’s expense.
Any vehicle or trailer parking without a permit will be towed at owner’s expense.
Vehicles unloading will park as directed by security for a maximum of 15 minutes.
Vehicle access is 6 to 10 a.m., and again 11 p.m. to 12 p.m.
Vehicles are subject to towing outside of these hours at the owner’s expense.
Hand carts only from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m.
Vehicle access is controlled by security.
Schedule all deliveries before 10:00 a.m.
UPS and others deliver to the Fair Office Monday – Friday: schedule for early A.M. delivery, do not require signature.
Packages will not be delivered to vendor booth; be present to accept your packages.
Fair staff will not unlock booths for deliveries.
Delivery vehicles are not to block access to hand-cart traffic.
EMS is located in the parking lot north of the Commercial Building (#13) and is open during public hours of the Fair.
For medical emergencies call 911.
24-hour grounds security starts Monday, August 4 and ends at 6 a.m. on Monday, August 11.
Security is provided as a deterrent only.
Fairgrounds Management assumes no responsibility for materials left in booths
Fair is not responsible for any loss or damage.
Booths are required to remain open for business between the hours of 11 a.m. to 10 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday.
Post prices of items sold in and obvious location in a professional manner. Price signs should be clearly visible from a distance of thirty feet.
Do not block the view of a bordering booth.
All non-profits are required to post a readable sign listing how proceeds from the Fair are distributed.
Post vendor marketing materials within rented space only, violations may result in removal from the grounds. Advertise your participation at the Western Montana Fair independently.
Storage or office space is considered part of the booth.
Stock supplies, product inventories, and boxes must stay within allotted booth space and must be attractively concealed or covered.
Fair Management has final approval of storage.
All equipment must be kept in working condition and adhere to fire and health codes.
Obstructions or obstacles deemed a hazard by Fair Management will be immediately corrected.
Ensure that booth is left in a clean and orderly state.
Leave booth in place until security authorizes move out after 11 p.m. on Sunday, August 10.
ATM’s are located in five (5) high traffic areas
Animals permitted include show or service animals only.
Service animals must be on a leash.
Place used grease in a lidded container outside your booth before 10 a.m. for daily pick-up. The Fairgrounds will not return to your booth if grease is not ready for pick-up by 10 a.m.
Holding tank for gray water disposal available.
Vendors may use Concession Washroom to dump gray water tank.
Sweet Pea will pump gray water, but booth must have operator present and coordinate with Sweet Pea in advance to determine day and time of service.
Washroom is available to all concessions without a three (3) compartment sink.
The first vendor to arrive at the concession washroom each morning must visit the Security Office in Building 9 to request the washroom be unlocked.
Vendors may use this washroom to dump gray water tank.
Concession washroom is located on the northwest side of the main restrooms.
Clean this area after each use.
Tickets for ice may be purchased from the Fair Office during Fair week.
Tickets may be redeemed for ice Tuesday, August 5 – Sunday, August 10.
Any unused tickets may be turned in on Monday, August 11 and will be refunded.