Handicap Parking – Stephens Ave. Only


Handicap Parking – Use Stephens ave.

To access the handicap parking use Stephens Ave. as shown and enter the Gerald W. Marks Exploration Center and Rocky Mountain Gardens’ parking lot. Vehicles must display a permit for handicap parking as violators will be towed.

Other public parking is available along Stephen’s Ave. and Russell St. There is no entry from South Ave.

$10 PARKING FEE – Cash Only

A $10 parking fee will be collected at all parking lot entrances. The parking attendant only accepts cash. The Fair is free to all. No gate fees are charged to enter the Fairgrounds. Fees only apply with regard to parking, concessions, carnival and grandstand events as noted.

Service Animals Excluded in Designated Areas

Service animals may be excluded where it is determined that allowing service animals would fundamentally alter the nature of the goods, services, programs or activities provided to the public. Service animals are excluded from the Llama Barn (Building #34), poultry exhibits and rabbit exhibits during the Fair.

Missoula Fairgrounds